Showing posts with label Current Affairs.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Current Affairs.. Show all posts

Current Affairs.   8/30/2022   24. Friss hírek - hiteles tartalom. Friss Hírek, Képek, Videók – Gyorsan és tömören. Belföldi és külföldi hírek. Közélet, üzlet, sport, kultúra, tudomány, technika, szórakozás, sztárvilág.   09/05/2021   48 Hills. Independent daily San Francisco news + culture. 48 Hills is San Francisco and the Bay Area’s independent, alternative news and culture site, founded by former editors and publishers of the San Francisco Bay Guardian.   24/06/2020   ATLAS er et uafhængigt journalistisk samtidsmagasin, der udkommer løbende på nettet og fire gange om året på print. ATLAS har siden sin begyndelse i 2010 haft en ambition om at være et velskrevet alternativ i en medieverden, hvor nyt er bedst og først er størst.   2/14/2023   Le Monde diplomatique се ползва с престижа на едно от най-авторитетните издания за външнополитически анализи в света. Неговите читатели, включително и в България, са политици, дипломати, преподаватели във ВУЗ, бизнесмени.   24/06/2020   Спільне: Журнал Соціальної Критики. Усвідомлення Сучасного Економіко-Політичного Стану Суспільства.   24/08/2020   Ctxt. Revista Contexto, análisis, contexto político, económico y cultural.   2/15/2023   Revista Dilema Veche.   2/4/2023   The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.   28/09/2021   Flashback försvarar det fria ordet, och bevakar avvikande åsikter i vårt samhälle. Politiskt och religiöst obunden.   27/03/2020   Foreign Policy. The Global Magazine of News and Ideas.   16/04/2020   News that Matters to American Jews. The Forward - incisive coverage of the issues, ideas and institutions that matter to American Jews. Reporting on politics, arts and culture.   27/03/2020   France-Amérique. Founded in 1943 by French exiles in New York, France-Amérique is the only bilingual French-English publication in the United States.   19/07/2020   Gatopardo. Somos la revista sobre actualidad latinoamericana más influyente de la región. Gatopardo se caracteriza por publicar crónicas y reportajes sobre temas de interés público, social y cultural que afectan la vida cotidiana de América Latina.   26/06/2021   Sports and Pop Culture from our rotating cast of writers.   24/06/2020   La Réplica. Periodismo incómodo. Analizamos la actualidad sociopolítica desde un prisma crítico, comprometido, plural y honesto. Crónica, opinión, crítica y sociedad.   25/11/2020   Columbia Magazine was founded in 1975 and is published three times a year by the University’s Office of Alumni and Development. The magazine is sent to alumni of Columbia University in the U.S. and abroad, as well as to faculty, staff, and friends. The contents of the magazine are ©2020 by the Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.   09/08/2021   Misión Verdad. Grupo de investigación y análisis. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.   26/02/2021   Monthly Review began publication in New York City in May 1949. The first issue featured the lead article “Why Socialism?” by Albert Einstein. From the beginning, Monthly Review spoke for a critical but spirited socialism, independent of any political organization.   27/04/2020   13/12/2020   Everything Toronto. NOW Magazine. Toronto's best source for alternative news, entertainment, events, and food.   28/11/2021   New York Magazine energizes people around shared interests, igniting important conversations on the news, politics, style, and culture that drive the world forward.   03/07/2020   21/06/2020   The American Prospect is devoted to promoting informed discussion on public policy from a progressive perspective.   11/20/2022   Reason Magazine. Free Minds and Free Markets. Reason is the leading libertarian magazine and video website covering news, politics, culture, and more with reporting and analysis.   31/01/2021   11/20/2022   title>Slate Magazine is a daily magazine on the web and podcast network. Founded in 1996, we are a general-interest publication offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture.   13/10/2021   The Intercept. Fearless, adversarial journalism that holds the powerful accountable.   15/04/2020   The Walrus. Canada’s Conversation. The Walrus provokes new thinking and sparks conversation on matters vital to Canadians.   8/18/2022   TIME. National & World Updates. Breaking news and analysis from TIME. Politics, world news, photos, video, tech reviews, health, science and entertainment news.   5/16/2022   Transitions. Our network of local and international contributors examine the news and trends shaping the region. We serve as a platform for the region’s independent journalists to cover topics often underreported in their home countries.   30/06/2020   Townhall is the top source for conservative news, political cartoons, breaking news, election news and commentary on politics and the media culture. The perfect site for conservatives, republicans, libertarians and liberty loving Americans.   15/04/2020   Visão. Notícias da atualidade nacional e internacional reportagens e multimédia. Visão Online é economia, sociedade, cultura, política, artes, cozinha, desporto, cinema e opinião em Portugal e no Mundo. Visão como nunca viu.   14/12/2020   Abaco Life, an island magazine about Abaco, Bahamas, is a full color magazine that has been published since 1979.   12/07/2020   AlterNet is an award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources.   16/04/2020   American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans.   2/4/2023   Revista Presei, presa de astazi. Revista presei cu cele mai recente stiri din ziare si reviste, o revista presei flexibila, stiri organizate pe categorii, anunturi, bancuri, foto, magazin de carti, horoscop si jocuri.   31/08/2021   Bellingcat is an independent international collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists using open source and social media investigation to probe a variety of subjects – from Mexican drug lords and crimes against humanity, to tracking the use of chemical weapons and conflicts worldwide.   05/07/2021   Black Enterprise is the premier resource for black entrepreneurs, black-owned businesses, and career, tech, and money content for black people.   20/08/2021   The Calvert Journal was launched as a project of Calvert 22 Foundation in March 2013. Today, the Journal is the world’s leading publication for culture, innovation, photography and travel in the New East: Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.   31/08/2020   Revista Ñ. Clarín. Leé las Noticias de Hoy en Clarín. Conocé las Últimas noticias de Argentina y del mundo, información actualizada las 24 horas y en español.   06/06/2021   Counterpunch. Tells the Facts and Names the Names. Published since 1996.   13/01/2021   Disorder Magazine. Clásica magazine electrónica.   09/11/2021   20/06/2021   Crític és un mitjà de comunicació especialitzat en periodisme d’investigació, impulsat per la cooperativa de periodistes Crític, SCCL.   23/12/2020   Magazine Elle, le magazine de toute l'actualité des femmes.   20/12/2020   El Temps és el setmanari degà de política i cultura en català. Fundat el 1984 per Eliseu Climent i Joan Fuster entre d'altres, la revista és la punta de llança de debat i reporterisme dels Països Catalans.   26/06/2020   El viejo topo. Revista y editorial para la transformación social. Bienvenidos a El Viejo Topo, revista y editorial para la transformación social y espacio de reflexión en los ámbitos económico, social, político y cultural.   21/01/2021   Foreign Affairs is the leading magazine for in-depth analysis and debate of foreign policy, geopolitics and global affairs.   24/06/2020   France Culture décrypte l'actualité en France et dans le Monde : politique, société, sciences, livres, cinéma, expositions et spectacles. Radio en direct, replay et podcasts des émissions.   24/01/2021   Hawaii Magazine. Based in Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawai’i Magazine is the state’s only national/international magazine.   26/12/2020   Internazionale. Notizie dall’Italia e dal mondo. Notizie, commenti, articoli, reportage, foto e video da tutto il mondo scelti dalla redazione di Internazionale.   21/11/2020   La Primera Piedra. Periodismo sin esconder la mano. La Primera Piedra es una revista digital autogestionada que nació en el año 2014 de la mano de un grupo de estudiantes de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.   07/11/2020   L’Associació de Publicacions Periòdiques en Català d'àmbit nacional (APPEC) és una entitat sense ànim de lucre que agrupa els editors de revistes en català d’informació general i especialitzada que tenen una distribució i difusió dins de l’àmbit català.   18/08/2020   Linkiesta. Opinioni, analisi e approfondimenti sull'attualità politica, economica e culturale italiana e internazionale. Fondato nel 2011, diretto da Christian Rocca.   16/04/2020   London Progressive Journal (LPJ) is an online current affairs journal that covers news from a non-sectarian left wing perspective.   4/23/2022   Le Monde diplomatique. Mensuel critique d'informations et d'analyses. Né en 1954 dans le giron du quotidien Le Monde, Le Monde diplomatique portait en sous-titre « Journal des cercles consulaires et diplomatiques » et s’adressait surtout à l’univers des ambassades.   24/10/2020   16/01/2021   Newsweek is a premier news magazine and website that has been bringing high-quality journalism to readers around the globe for over 80 years.   26/02/2021   The New Yorker. Reporting, Profiles, breaking news, cultural coverage, podcasts, videos, and cartoons from The New Yorker.   23/12/2020   L'Obs. Actualités du jour en direct. Premier magazine d'actualité français, L'Obs analyse en direct l'actualité politique, sociale, culturelle, en France et dans le monde.   2/11/2023   Portland Mercury: News. Entertainment. Trouble. Covering Portland news, politics, music, film, and arts; plus movie times, club calendars, restaurant listings, forums, blogs, and Savage Love.   07/01/2021   ProPublica. Investigative Journalism and News in the Public Interest. ProPublica is an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.   4/14/2022   La Revista Cambrils és una publicació mensual en paper fundada l'any 1953, el seu marc legal actual és l'Associació Cultural Revista Cambrils, una associació sense ànim de lucre inscrita al registre d'associacions culturals de la Generalitat de Catalunya.   31/08/2020   Revista de Libros apareció en papel a finales del 96. No entraba en nuestros planes hacer una revista académica; ni una revista de divulgación; ni pretendíamos entrar en competencia con las secciones bibliográficas de los diarios.   01/09/2020   El Estornudo es una revista digital independiente de periodismo narrativo, hecha desde Cuba, desde fuera de Cuba, principalmente sobre Cuba y Latinoamérica.   14/01/2021   Rolling Stone. Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage. Get the latest Rolling Stone news with exclusive stories and pictures from Rolling Stone.   05/12/2020   Providing San Diego with the latest news through our San Diego Metro Magazine, Providing 28 years of Quality Journalism.   24/12/2020   Seattle Weekly. Through deeply reported stories, stirring critiques, and insightful interviews, Seattle Weekly connects its readers to the doers, thinkers, businesses, and entertainers that shape this city and give it life.   31/08/2020   SFGATE: San Francisco Bay Area. Bay Area news, Local news & information, updated weather, traffic, entertainment, celebrity news, sports scores and more.   31/08/2021   Siegessäule. We are Queer Berlin. Das queere Stadtmagazin von Berlin. LGBTI* Kultur und Politik, sowie alle Termine für das queere Berlin. Stadtplan für Schwule, Lesben, Bisexuelle, Trans* und Inter Personen.   21/01/2021   The Spectator. Weekly magazine featuring the best British journalists, authors, critics and cartoonists, since 1828.   24/02/2022   03/05/2020   The American Interest. Policy, Politics & Culture. Since its founding in 2005, The American Interest has been one of the leading sources for understanding American policy, politics, and culture.   01/10/2020   The Atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine.   1/27/2023   The Atlantic. Magazine. The Atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine.   1/27/2023   The Atlantic. World Edition. Exploring the American idea through ambitious, essential reporting and storytelling. Of no party or clique since 1857.   23/08/2020   Verislam. Actualidad y pensamiento sobre el islam en español. Somos un portal de noticias, artículos, videos sobre islam contemporáneo. Independientes y progresistas. Antes WebIslam, ahora VerIslam.   03/07/2021   Vox. We live in a world of too much information and too little context. Too much noise and too little insight. And so Vox's journalists candidly shepherd audiences through politics and policy, business and pop culture, food, science, and everything else that matters.   6/22/2022   Wired. The Latest in Technology, Science, Culture and Business. From the latest in science and technology to the big stories in business and culture, we’ve got you covered.