www.e _ www.i

www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php   1/14/2024   Earth Island Journal is the media arm of Earth Island Institute — an organization that supports environmental activists and leaders working to protect the biological and cultural diversity that sustains our environment.

www.economist.com   2/22/2024   The Economist. Authoritative global news and analysis. World News, Economics, Politics, Business & Finance.

www.eguaglianzaeliberta.it/web   3/18/2024   Eguaglianza & Libertà. Rivista di critica sociale.

www.ehumanista.ucsb.edu   12/7/2023   eHumanista. UC Santa Barbara. eHumanista is a journal devoted to the study of the cultures and languages of the Iberian Peninsula.

www.ekathimerini.com   09/11/2021

www.elboomeran.com   3/18/2024   El Boomeran(g). Blog literario en español. Biblioteca de novedades editoriales.

www.elcritic.cat   20/06/2021   Crític és un mitjà de comunicació especialitzat en periodisme d’investigació, impulsat per la cooperativa de periodistes Crític, SCCL.

www.elle.fr   3/18/2024   Magazine ELLE. Magazine de mode créé par les femmes pour les femmes : conseils beauté, mode femme, recettes de cuisine.

www.elsmarges.cat   6/26/2022   Els Marges és una «revista de llengua i literatura», de periodicitat quadrimestral, fundada el 1974 per Joaquim Molas, en sincronia amb la titulació dels primers llicenciats en filologia catalana que sortien de les aules universitàries del país.

www.eltemps.cat   12/13/2023   El Temps. Setmanari de política i cultura.

www.elviejotopo.com   3/18/2023

www.enderrock.cat   8/31/2023   Enderrock és la primera revista de rock en català. Des de 1993. La música de la teva generació.

www.environmentalbiotechnology.pl   3/18/2024   Environmental Biotechnology deals with preservation and restoration of fauna, flora, and their environment.

www.e-periodica.ch   12/19/2023   E-Periodica ist die Plattform für Schweizer Zeitschriften online und ist ein Service der ETH-Bibliothek. Das Themenspektrum reicht von Naturwissenschaften über Architektur, Mathematik, Geschichte, Geografie, Kunst und Kultur bis hin zu Umwelt und Sozialpolitik.

www.epj.org   12/19/2023   The European Physical Journal (EPJ) is a series of peer-reviewed journals covering the whole spectrum of physics and related interdisciplinary subjects. EPJ is committed to high scientific quality in publishing and is indexed in all main citation databases.

www.esquire.com   2/20/2024   Esquire. What we publish at Esquire isn't just fun—or funny, gripping, uplifting, shocking, or enlightening—it's also thoroughly edited and fact-checked for accuracy, clarity, and fairness.

www.eurozine.com   3/18/2024   Eurozine is an online magazine and European network linking up more than 90 cultural journals and associates in 35 countries.

www.exploitone.com   3/18/2024   Cyber Security News. Exploit One. Hacking News. Exploit one covers infosec news, cyber security, data breaches, virus, ethical hacking, vulnerabilities, mobile hacking, cryptocurrency & bug bounty news.

www.fastcompany.com   10/21/2023   Fast Company. Business News, Innovation, Technology, Work Life and Design. Inspiring readers to think beyond traditional boundaries & create the future of business.

www.fclj.org   9/3/2023   FCLJ. The Federal Communications Law Journal is published three times a year by George Washington University Law School and the Federal Communications Bar Association.

www.fgbueno.es/bas/index.htm   12/20/2023   El Basilisco, revista de materialismo filosófico.

www.filmcomment.com   31/08/2021   Film Comment Magazine. Founded in 1962, Film Comment magazine features reviews and analysis of mainstream, art-house, and avant-garde filmmaking from around the world.

www.filminquiry.com   25/06/2021   Film Inquiry is a progressive, independent film magazine that aims to redefine film journalism. We publish in-depth, high quality articles written by a diverse group of people, valuing intersectionality and a global perspective.

www.flyingmag.com   12/20/2023   Aviation, Airplanes, News & Training. Flying Magazine is the number one source for aviation news, airplane and gear reviews, and more. Since 1927, Flying has been a trusted voice in aviation.

www.flyrc.com   7/28/2022   Fly RC magazine includes extensive RC aircraft reviews, news, how-to’s, and the latest intel Fly RC covers all types of fixed wing model aircraft.

www.foodnetwork.com   9/1/2023   Food Network is a unique lifestyle network, website and magazine that connects viewers to the power and joy of food.

www.forbes.com   26/07/2021   Forbes is a global media company, focusing on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and lifestyle.

www.foreignaffairs.com   21/01/2021   Foreign Affairs is the leading magazine for in-depth analysis and debate of foreign policy, geopolitics and global affairs.

www.fotogramas.es   6/3/2023   Fotogramas es el punto de encuentro de la mejor información sobre la actualidad cinematográfica: estrenos, trailers, entrevistas, opiniones de los críticos más prestigiosos, cartelera, seguimiento de los grandes eventos.

www.frieze.com   17/10/2023   Frieze is the world’s leading platform for modern and contemporary art, dedicated to artists, galleries, collectors and art lovers alike.

www.fstopmagazine.com   08/08/2021   F-Stop Magazine. An online photography magazine featuring contemporary photography from established and emerging photographers.

www.fuktmagazine.com   12/19/2023   FUKT Magazine. A magazine for contemporary drawing, with an international focus. FUKT  is wholly dedicated to contemporary drawing and illustration.

www.garbuix.com   3/18/2024   Garbuix és una revista indepentdent de les Franqueses del Vallès. S’ha estructurat durant anys com a secció de l’Associació Cívica i Cultural de Corró d’Avall, però actualment és una entitat independent. S’edita des del 1989.

www.gastronomiaalternativa.com   12/19/2023   Revista Digital de Gastronomía y Enología. Gastronomia. Opinion Restaurantes.

www.gazzettafilosofica.net   12/20/2023   Gazzetta filosofica. Esso si propone l'approfondimento di tematiche culturali, sociali e politiche, affrontate in una prospettiva che cerchi di superare il settorialismo e la parcellizzazione dei saperi.

www.geologica-balcanica.eu   3/18/2024   Geologica Balcanica welcomes original manuscripts covering all aspects of the geology of the Balkan Peninsula and surrounding regions.

www.glanta.org   1/14/2024   Glänta. Essäistisk kulturtidskrift och bokförlag. I samma anda men i bokens form drivs också förlaget Glänta produktion.

www.govtech.com   4/23/2023   Government Technology State & Local Articles. Government Technology has IT articles for state, local and city government. Find government news and events.

www.gramophone.co.uk   12/22/2023   Gramophone. Classical music magazine, podcast and reviews. The best classical music reviews, news, playlists, features and blogs from Gramophone, the world’s leading classical music magazine.

www.gustoblog.it   12/19/2023   Gustoblog. Ricette tradizionali ed originali per piatti nuovi e creativi. Gustoblog è il portale del cibo e del vino: ricette, preparazioni, informazioni e news sul mondo enogastronomico e culinario.

www.hangarflying.eu   12/20/2023   Hangar Flying. Belgian Aviation Magazine. Hangar Flying is de Engelse uitdrukking voor het keuvelen over luchtvaart. We willen op een aangename en eigenzinnige manier artikels brengen over de Belgische burgerlijke en militaire vliegerij.

www.harpweek.com   3/18/2024   HarpWeek: Explore History. In 1817, 22-year old James Harper and his 20-year old brother, John, set up a small printing firm in New York City called J. & J. Harper.

www.hawaiimagazine.com   4/16/2023   Hawai'i Magazine. At Hawai‘i Magazine, we share stories about what makes the Islands so luring and unique to mindful travelers who love and respect this place as much as we do.

www.hbook.com   5/8/2023   The Horn Book Magazine and The Horn Book Guide are the most distinguished journals in the field of children’s and young adult literature and the core of our company.

www.hindawi.com   18/09/2021   Hindawi. Maximizing the impact of research through openness. Because science works best when research is open.

www.hindawi.com/journals/jamc   18/09/2021   Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry publishes research into the methods and instrumentation used in chemical analysis, including spectroscopic, spectrometric and wet chemistry techniques, and their applications in real-world problems.

www.historyireland.com   30/01/2021   History Ireland. Illustrated Irish history magazine suitable for the scholar and the general reader. Feature articles from all periods of history, book reviews, news, events.

www.historytoday.com   3/18/2024   History Today. The World’s Leading Serious History Magazine.

www.hollywoodreporter.com   1/27/2024   The Hollywood Reporter. Movie news, TV news, awards news, lifestyle news, business news and more from The Hollywood Reporter.

www.hoyesarte.com   12/19/2023   Hoyesarte. Primer diario de arte en español.

www.ias.ac.in/Journals/Journal_of_Astrophysics_and_Astronomy   3/18/2024   Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. The journal publishes original research papers on all aspects of astrophysics and astronomy, including instrumentation, laboratory astrophysics, and cosmology.

www.identitytheory.com   6/14/2022   Identity Theory: A Literary Magazine. Online literary journal featuring author interviews, original fiction, poetry, and essays. Established in 2000.

www.iliteratura.cz   12/20/2023   iLiteratura. Nejrozsáhlejší český časopis o literatuře z celého světa. Kritická reflexe české i zahraniční knižní produkce: o knihách píšeme poučeně a s přehledem.

www.inderscience.com   03/01/2021   Inderscience is a global company, a dynamic leading independent journal publisher which has grown to a medium-sized enterprise, large enough to have the capabilities of a major company but small enough to be flexible and responsive to the requirements of its editors, authors and subscribers.

www.indianjournals.com   03/01/2021   Indian Journals is a vast collection of interdisciplinary Indian Journals and Research Publications. As e-publishers, we cater to societies, institutes and individuals connected with any Indian Journal.

www.indiewire.com   12/19/2022   IndieWire. The Voice of Creative Independence. IndieWire is an online publication covering film, TV, and digital news, reviews, and interviews for passionate fans and industry insiders.

www.infoworld.com   2/7/2023   InfoWorld covers software development, cloud computing, data analytics, and machine learning tools and technologies for an audience of information technology (IT) professionals, from CTOs and cloud architects to software engineers, developers, and data scientists.

www.intellectualactivist.com   26/12/2021   The Intellectual Activist. An Objectivist Review. This magazine is for those who want to change the world, not through mindless street protests, but by changing the ideas that shape our lives.

www.internazionale.it   26/12/2020   Internazionale. Notizie dall’Italia e dal mondo. Notizie, commenti, articoli, reportage, foto e video da tutto il mondo scelti dalla redazione di Internazionale.

www.inventorymagazine.com   12/19/2023   Inventory Magazine. Inventory was established in 2009 as an online platform and biannual publication to explore the aesthetic and cultural interests of its founders.