Showing posts with label History.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History.. Show all posts

History.   15/01/2021   The American Historical Review. Oxford Academic. The American Historical Association (AHA) was founded in 1884 and chartered by Congress in 1889 to serve the interests of the entire discipline of history.   30/05/2020   11/05/2021   Anthropological Linguistics, a quarterly journal founded in 1959, provides a forum for the full range of scholarly study of the languages and cultures of the peoples of the world, especially the native peoples of the Americas.   3/5/2023   ARCA. Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues. És un portal d'accés obert que inclou publicacions periòdiques tancades que han estat representatives dins la cultura i la societat catalana.   6/16/2023   Archaeology Magazine Archive - Back Issues. The full texts of newsbriefs, reviews, and selected longer articles of back issues from 1996 to present are available free online, plus abstracts of other departments and features.   19/07/2020   Cabinet. Founded as a non-profit in 2000, Cabinet is an award-winning quarterly magazine of art and culture based in New York that confounds expectations of what is typically meant by the words “art,” “culture,” and sometimes even “magazine.”   5/23/2023   Civil War Navy. The Magazine. The Editors strive to supplement this descriptive information and narrative with widely sourced, archival period photographs, illustrations, and artwork that documented the years of Civil War naval warfare.   22/04/2020   Proyecto Clio. History and History teaching. Revista de Historia y didáctica de la Historia y las Ciencias Sociales.   4/3/2022   Commonplace. A bit less formal than a scholarly journal, a bit more scholarly than a popular magazine, Commonplace speaks—and listens—to scholars, museum curators, teachers, hobbyists, and just about anyone interested in American history before 1900.   16/01/2021   Hispania Nova (segunda época), primera revista de Historia Contemporánea on line en castellano, publica artículos de investigación originales y revisión de libros de diversa temática sobre los siglos XIX y XX.   16/01/2021 Hispania Nova. Primera revista de Historia Contemporánea on line en castellano. Fundada por Ángel Martínez de Velasco y Julio Aróstegui.   06/10/2020   La Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle — anciennement 1848. Révolutions et mutations au XIXe siècle — est l'organe de la Société d'histoire de la révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle.   1/30/2023   The Public Historian. University of California Press. Since 1978, The Public Historian has made its mark as the definitive voice of the public history profession, providing historians with the latest scholarship and applications from the field.   12/07/2020   Plekos ist eine Internet-Fachzeitschrift (ISSN: 1435-9626) für Rezensionen und Berichte zur Erforschung der Spätantike.   11/10/2023   Harper's Weekly. This online version of the Harper's Weekly 1865 volume was a pilot project to assess the costs of digitizing and encoding 19th-century journals.   11/12/2023   Azogue. Revista electrónica dedicada al estudio histórico-crítico de la alquimia.   08/06/2020   MicroMega. 1986/2016, da 30 anni insieme per una sinistra illuminista.   28/11/2020   World History Connected. The e-Journal of Learning and Teaching. World history poses extraordinary demands upon those who teach it, challenging the talent of experienced instructors as well as to those new to the field.   22/04/2020   Revista Clío. Academia Dominicana de la Historia.   6/7/2023   Antiquity Journal. Antiquity, a peer-reviewed journal of archaeology, founded by O.G.S. Crawford in 1927, is owned by the Antiquity Trust, a registered charity.   6/7/2023   Antiqvitas (ISSN 1133-6609) es una revista anual de investigación editada por el Museo Histórico Municipal de Priego de Córdoba, museo arqueológico dependiente del Ayuntamiento de la ciudad y sede del Servicio Municipal de Arqueología.   6/7/2023   Archaeology Magazine. Daily archaeological news and exclusive online features, plus articles from the current issue and back issues.   30/10/2020   Archeologia e Calcolatori is a peer reviewed open access journal. Since 1990 Archeologia e Calcolatori (ISSN 1120-6861, e-ISSN 2385-1953) has been an international observatory of theoretical and methodological aspects of computing and information technology applied to archaeology.   12/25/2023   Archeologia Viva è la prima grande rivista italiana di divulgazione archeologica fondata nel 1982 da Piero Pruneti. Gli argomenti spaziano dalla preistoria all’età moderna con un’attenzione particolare al mondo mediterraneo.   28/09/2020   HarpWeek: Explore History. In 1817, 22-year old James Harper and his 20-year old brother, John, set up a small printing firm in New York City called J. & J. Harper.   30/01/2021   History Ireland. Illustrated Irish history magazine suitable for the scholar and the general reader. Feature articles from all periods of history, book reviews, news, events.   09/06/2020   History Today. Inside this month’s features, reviews, and short articles.   3/6/2023   L'AVENÇ, revista d'història i cultura, és un dels punts de referència de les revistes culturals editades en llengua catalana.   24/06/2020   L'Histoire est le magazine de référence des passionnés d'histoire.   04/06/2020   National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic stories take you on a journey that’s always enlightening, often surprising, and unfailingly fascinating.   25/11/2020   Novecento. Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale Ferruccio Parri. La prima uscita della rivista è del dicembre 2013, ma la sua storia risale al 1999 quando Antonino Criscione ha l’intuizione di affiancare a Italia contemporanea – storica rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale – uno strumento telematico.   21/09/2020   Radical History Review. For more than forty years Radical History Review has stood at the point where rigorous historical scholarship and active political engagement converge.   12/29/2023   Rupestreweb. Publicación electrónica especializada en la investigación del arte rupestre de América Latina.   11/12/2023   Diacronie. Studi di storia contemporanea. Diacronie si configura come una risorsa digitale a libero accesso attraverso cui si intende raccogliere e promuovere studi e ricerche scientifiche di carattere storico e storiografico.   01/09/2020   Tiempos Modernos es una revista electrónica que concentra en su seno el interés de las más diversas disciplinas históricas con el objetivo común de estudiar el desarrollo de las sociedades humanas durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII.   23/07/2020   Premsa digitalitzada. Pandora. Generalitat de Catalunya.