Showing posts with label Natural Sciences.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Sciences.. Show all posts

Natural Sciences.   02/05/2021   Welcome to the American Journal of Physics (AJP). AJP publishes papers that meet the needs and intellectual interests of college and university physics teachers and students.   2/15/2023   Acta Biologica Szegediensis is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the University of Szeged yearly, in two issues per volume.   03/12/2020   Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. The journal publishes original contributions dealing with psychological aspects of the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders arising out of dysfunction of the central nervous system.   21/07/2021   American Society for Nutrition Journals. In 2005, the American Society for Nutrition was formed from a merger of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences; the American Society for Clinical Nutrition;  and the Society for International Nutrition.   1/7/2024   Acta Chimica. A forum for publication of original scientific research in all fields of chemistry.   09/08/2020   02/05/2021   Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM) publishes study results that make significant contributions to applied microbial research, basic microbial ecology research, and genetic and molecular investigations of microbial topics of practical value.   2/14/2023   Les Annales de l’Institut Fourier ont pour objectif de publier des articles originaux et de haut niveau, en anglais ou en français, dans tous les domaines des mathématiques.   24/04/2020   Scitation. AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP).   2/23/2023   The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.   2/15/2023   Les Annales des Mines. Publiées sans interruption depuis 1794, les Annales des Mines comptent parmi les plus anciennes revues dans le monde consacrées à la science, à la technique et à l’économie.   30/05/2020   09/04/2021   Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials considers good quality, novel and international articles of more than regional relevance; the journal covers the clinical microbiology of bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as antimicrobial treatment of infectious diseases.   11/5/2022   Arbor es una revista electrónica que aborda todos los campos de la ciencia en acceso abierto e invita al debate desde el pensamiento científico. Está editada por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).   05/05/2021   Acoustics Research Letters Online (ARLO) is an open access journal of The Acoustical Society of America (ASA). It includes electronic letters devoted to research in all fields of acoustics that were published from 1999 through 2005.   6/16/2023   Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry is a forum for the review of areas of keen and topical interest to medicinal chemists and others in the allied disciplines.   6/16/2023   Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry is an essential journal for every medicinal and pharmaceutical chemist who wishes to remain  informed and up-to-date with the latest and most important developments.   20/10/2021   Popular Science - Google Libros. Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world.   11/4/2023   The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies is a multi-disciplinary, refereed journal published four times a year by the National Speleological Society, Huntsville, Alabama.   03/01/2021   Türk Coğrafya Dergisi 1943 yılında Türk Coğrafyacıların bilimsel çalışmalarını uluslararası bilim dünyasına duyurmak üzere çıkarılmaya başlanmıştır.   3/5/2023   Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of environmental health research and news published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.   3/4/2023   Endeavors is the online magazine of research and creative activity at UNC-Chapel Hill. Endeavors (ISSN 1933-4338) is published by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.   12/10/2020   6/7/2023   The Journal of Ethnobiology invites manuscripts based on original research in any area of ethnobiology, the interdisciplinary study of past and present relationships between humans and their biological worlds.   12/10/2020   26/10/2021   The Business of Federal Technology. FCW provides federal technology executives with the information, ideas, and strategies necessary to successfully navigate the complex world of federal business.   1/14/2024   Folia Parasitologica. International journal that covers all branches of parasitology, including morphology, taxonomy, molecular biology, host-parasite relationships, parasite evolution, biochemistry, physiology and immunology.   1/14/2024   Fottea. A Journal of the Czech Phycological Society. Fottea publishes research on all aspects of algae (including cyanobacteria) from all over the world with preference for taxonomy and ecology.   1/14/2024   Genetics Selection Evolution is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal dedicated to original research on all aspects of genetics and selection in farm animal species and in other species that provide novel and/or relevant insights into the genetics of farm animals.   3/27/2023   Hereditas. For almost a century, Hereditas has published original cutting-edge research and reviews. Los temas de interés incluyen genética humana y médica, genética animal y vegetal, genética microbiana, agricultura y bioinformática.   23/08/2020   Italian Journal of Pediatrics is an open access peer-reviewed journal that includes all aspects of pediatric medicine.   23/08/2020   Science Immunology. Immunology is in a period of unprecedented expansion and progress.   23/08/2020   The Astrophysical Journal is devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics.   23/08/2020  Russian Chemical Reviews is the Russian Academy of Science’s leading journal founded in 1932.   23/08/2020   Physics-Uspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences) is a translation of the authoritative Russian-language review journal in physics, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, first published in 1918.   07/11/2023   Issues in Science and Technology is a quarterly journal published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and Arizona State University.   1/22/2024   The Journal of Nutrition is an official monthly publication of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and focuses on the review of manuscripts that address human, animal, population, cellular, and molecular nutrition.   28/11/2020   Entomologica Fennica has been terminated and volume 30, 2019 is the last in this journal. As of 1 January 2020, papers falling within the scope of Entomologica Fennica should be submitted to Annales Zoologici Fennici.   30/06/2020   Science Museum Group Journal. The Science Museum Group Journal presents the global research community with peer-reviewed papers relevant to the wide-ranging work of the Science Museum Group.   17/11/2021   Physical Review Journals. Published by the American Physical Society.   03/01/2021   BMJ Journals. Discover the latest clinical knowledge and opinion. BMJ Journals is a collection of more than 70 medical and allied science titles.   03/01/2021   American Physiological Society Journal. The American Physiological Society publishes journals and books in many disciplines within physiology. The Society’s 15 distinguished scientific journals are dedicated to the advancement of physiological research, which has formed the basis for many biomedical advances.   20/12/2020   The International Journal of Robotics Research. A leading peer-reviewed journal in its field for more than two decades, The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) was the first scholarly publication on robotics research.   18/11/2021   Transcultural Psychiatry is a fully peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on cultural psychiatry and mental health.   2/11/2024   Acta Agriculturae Slovenica is an open access peer-review scientific journal published quarterly by the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.   03/01/2021   Springer. Providing researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.   25/12/2020   Mapping Ignorance. Cutting edge scientific research. Our goal is very simple: to spread both the latest developments in science and technology and a scientific worldview facilitating the access to it.   2/10/2024   Nautilus. Science Connected. Nautilus is a different kind of science magazine. Our stories take you into the depths of science and spotlight its ripples in our lives and cultures.   21/07/2021   Physics Today, the flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics, is the most influential and closely followed physics magazine in the world.   04/04/2020   Plus is an online magazine which aims to introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics.   2/11/2024   La revista Ingeniería del Agua nació en 1994, promovida por la Fundación para el Fomento de la Ingeniería del Agua.   07/10/2021   ACS Publications: Chemistry journals, books, and references published by the American Chemical Society. ACS Publications' commitment to publishing high-quality research continues to attract impactful publications from top authors around the globe.   12/03/2022   Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Geo Science World.   06/10/2020   Revistas electrónicas del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC): revistas en acceso abierto de Ciencia y Tecnología, Ciencias Sociales, Arte y Humanidades.   25/11/2020   Geologica Acta. An international general Earth Science Journal providing an innovative and high-quality means of scientific dissemination.   3/6/2023   Revistes científiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (RCUB) és el portal que recull les revistes científiques, especialitzades en diversos àmbits temàtics, editades o coeditades per la Universitat de Barcelona.   09/08/2020   03/01/2021   Journals. Our international, peer reviewed journals publish high quality science and provide an excellent service to our authors and readers. The Royal Society.   16/04/2020   Bienvenue sur le site Internet des Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. Vous trouverez ici l'ensemble des collections et périodiques publiés par le Muséum.   09/08/2020   09/08/2020   1/11/2024   Science & Technology Review is published eight times a year to communicate, to a broad audience, the Laboratory’s scientific and technological accomplishments in support of national security and other enduring national needs.   2/23/2024   The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading academics and researchers. Curated by professional editors, The Conversation offers informed commentary and debate on the issues affecting our world.   12/08/2020   The African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) is a highly cited and prestigious peer reviewed journal with a global reputation, published in Kenya by the Africa Scholarly Science Communications Trust (ASSCAT).   12/24/2023   American Scientist. Award-winning magazine American Scientist is an illustrated bi-monthly publication about science, engineering, and technology—published by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society since 1913.   18/12/2020   The Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, in publication since 2000, covers significant developments in the field of genomics as they apply to human genetics and the human genome.   18/12/2020   The Annual Review of Phytopathology, in publication since 1963, covers the significant developments in the field of plant pathology, including plant disease diagnosis, pathogens, host-pathogen Interactions, epidemiology and ecology, breeding for resistance and plant disease management, and includes a special section on the development of concepts.   18/12/2020   The Annual Review of Sociology, in publication since 1975, covers the significant developments in the field of sociology.   6/8/2023   Architect Magazine: Architectural Design - Architecture Online. The premier site for architecture industry news & building resources for architects and architecture industry professionals.   10/01/2021   Ariadne. Web Magazine for Information Professionals. Ariadne is published by Loughborough University Library.   6/7/2023   Journal of Avian Biology is an international, society-owned journal for scientists engaged in all aspects of avian biology. Empirical and theoretical research in ornithology.   13/04/2021   Molecular Plant is dedicated to serving the plant science community by publishing novel and exciting findings with high significance in plant biology.   18/02/2021   Investigaciones Geográficas es una revista científica internacional de difusión del conocimiento geográfico editada por el Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía desde 1983.   21/08/2020   Environmental Biotechnology deals with preservation and restoration of fauna, flora, and their environment.   12/19/2023   The European Physical Journal (EPJ) is a series of peer-reviewed journals covering the whole spectrum of physics and related interdisciplinary subjects.   12/10/2020   18/05/2020   Geologica Balcanica. Founded 1934 by Prof. Dr Stefan Bončev. A Geo-Sciences Journal of the Geological Institute “Strashimir Dimitrov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Official Journal of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association.   18/09/2021   Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry publishes research into the methods and instrumentation used in chemical analysis, including spectroscopic, spectrometric and wet chemistry techniques, and their applications in real-world problems.   03/01/2021   Inderscience is a global company, a dynamic leading independent journal publisher which has grown to a medium-sized enterprise, large enough to have the capabilities of a major company but small enough to be flexible and responsive to the requirements of its editors, authors and subscribers.   03/01/2021   Indian Journals is a vast collection of interdisciplinary Indian Journals and Research Publications. As e-publishers, we cater to societies, institutes and individuals connected with any Indian Journal.   28/02/2022   The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD), the official scientific publication of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), aims to satisfy the educational needs of the dermatology community.   05/10/2020   05/10/2020   30/09/2020   Drug and Alcohol Dependence is an international journal devoted to publishing original research, scholarly reviews, commentaries, and policy analyses in the area of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and dependence.   12/11/2020   Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) is a leading journal for researchers across the entire Earth and planetary sciences community.   30/09/2020   Economics and Human Biology is devoted to the exploration of the effect of socio-economic processes on human beings as biological organisms.   12/11/2020   Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a major role in the fourth industrial revolution and we are seeing a lot of evolution in various machine learning methodologies.   12/11/2020   Information and Software Technology is the international archival journal focusing on research and experience that contributes to the improvement of software development practices.   30/09/2020   The Journal of Membrane Science provides a focal point for academic and industrial chemists, chemical engineers, materials scientists, and membranologists working on membrane systems.   26/02/2022   The Journal of The Franklin Institute has an established reputation for publishing high-quality papers in the field of engineering and applied mathematics.   12/11/2020   Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology publishes original scientific articles pertaining to the mode of action of plant protection agents such as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and similar compounds, including nonlethal pest control agents, biosynthesis of pheromones, hormones, and plant resistance agents.   11/01/2022 Le Scienze. Nata nel 1968 per iniziativa di Felice Ippolito, Alberto Mondadori e Carlo Caracciolo, Le Scienze è l'edizione italiana di Scientific American, di cui è stata la prima edizione internazionale.   9/10/2022   Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC) is an online journal published monthly and owned by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). Unredacted accepted manuscripts are freely accessible immediately through MBoC In Press.   12/11/2023   Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.   30/09/2020   Himalayan Journal of Sciences was a peer-reviewed annual multi-disciplinary journal. HJS was dedicated to the promotion of scientific research, informed discourse, and enlightened stewardship of natural and cultural systems in the Himalayan region.   6/13/2022   New Scientist. Our website, app and print editions cover international news from a scientific standpoint, and ask the big-picture questions about life, the universe and what it means to be human.   03/01/2021   Scientific Conferences and Events Organizer. We Organize 3000+ Conferences across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open Access Journals which contains over 50000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.   17/10/2021   Liste des collections. Persée.   05/12/2020   Popular Science.   18/09/2020   Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world, whether it's practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science.   15/12/2021   Research & Development World. Technologies & Strategies That Enable Research & Development. R&D World is a renowned brand with a print magazine component, website, awards program, podcast, eNewsletters, and more.   01/09/2020   Revista Espacios digital es una publicación arbitrada por especialistas senior, dedicada a divulgar trabajos originales que presentan resultados de estudios e investigaciones en las áreas gerencia, educación y sus áreas relacionadas.   12/11/2020   The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes 45 peer-reviewed journals, more than 1,500 print books and a collection of online databases and literature updating services.   02/11/2021   American Association for the Advancement of Science. AAAS, an international nonprofit scientific association established in 1849, publishes: Science, Science Advances, Science Immunology, Science Robotics, Science Signaling and Science Translational Medicine.   11/12/2023   The journal Annals of Pure and Applied Logic publishes high quality papers in all areas of mathematical logic as well as applications of logic in mathematics, in theoretical computer science and in other related disciplines.   27/11/2020   Applied Animal Behaviour Science. This journal publishes relevant information on the behaviour of domesticated and utilized animals.   11/12/2023   Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.   11/12/2023   Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.   27/11/2020   Finite Elements in Analysis and Design.   27/11/2020   Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta publishes research papers in a wide range of subjects in terrestrial geochemistry, meteoritics, and planetary geochemistry.   17/02/2021   Immunity is a monthly journal which publishes research articles and reviews of general interest in the entire discipline of immunology.   11/12/2023   Industrial Marketing Management.   17/02/2021   The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies publishes original research over the whole spectrum of work relevant to the theory and practice of innovative interactive systems.   12/14/2023   Journal of Membrane Science.   12/14/2023   Journal of The Franklin Institute.   11/12/2023   Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.   12/14/2023   Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology.   09/08/2020   27/11/2020   Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.   19/12/2020   Primates is an international journal of primatology whose aim is to provide a forum for the elucidation of all aspects of primates.   07/10/2020   07/10/2020   14/12/2020   Minds and Machines. Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science.   07/10/2020   07/10/2020   03/05/2020   Taylor & Francis Online. Search and explore the millions of quality, peer-reviewed journal articles published under the Taylor & Francis and Routledge imprints.   03/01/2021   MIT Technology Review. Founded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1899, MIT Technology Review is a world-renowned, independent media company whose insight, analysis, reviews, interviews and live events explain the newest technologies and their commercial, social and political impacts.   27/03/2020   Turpion Limited is a company owned by the Institute of Physics Publishing.   3/5/2023   La UOC aposta perquè les seves publicacions siguin, per defecte, en obert, i et facilita l'accés a les seves publicacions científiques, tesis doctorals, revistes acadèmiques i altres recursos.   14/09/2020   Kultura Zientifikoko Katedra Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak sortu zuen 2010eko urrian Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiaren laguntza ekonomikoarekin.