Geography - Travel - Territories.   02/05/2021   Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography. La Revue électronique européenne de géographie Cybergeo est conçue pour permettre une communication plus rapide de la recherche et pour promouvoir une discussion plus directe entre auteurs et lecteurs.   3/6/2023   La Borrufa. Revista gratuïta de les comarques del Pirineu de Lleida. Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà i Val d'Aran.   26/01/2022   30/06/2021   Texas Highways. The Official Travel Magazine of Texas Since 1974. Curated guides to the state’s cities, small towns, hidden gems, and natural wonders. Plan your trip to Texas’ scenic, recreational, historical, cultural, and ethnic treasures.   3/11/2023   Abya Yala News, the journal of the South and Meso American Indian Rights Center (SAIIC). Abya Yala News provided a unique source of news and analysis relating to Indigenous issues in Meso and South America from Indigenous peoples' perspectives.   02/12/2020   Travelmag. The Independent Spirit. Travelmag is a magazine devoted to the independent traveller.