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e360.yale.edu   3/10/2023   Yale Environment 360 is an online magazine offering opinion, analysis, reporting, and debate on global environmental issues.

eastofborneo.org   9/26/2023   East of Borneo is an online magazine of contemporary art and its history as considered from Los Angeles.

eclipsearchive.org   19/02/2021   Eclipse is a free on-line archive focusing on digital facsimiles of the most radical small-press writing from the last quarter century.

edcentaurus.com.br/agranja/edicao   6/7/2023   Revista A Granja. A publicação A Granja é a revista mais antiga do Brasil em todos os segmentos, não apenas no jornalismo agrícola, com 78 anos de existência.

ediciones.ucsh.cl   01/12/2020   Portal de publicaciones académicas. Dirección de Investigación y Postgrado.

ehp.niehs.nih.gov   3/5/2023   Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of environmental health research and news published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/JIA/index   20/12/2020   Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA) is a scientific publication for research in Islamic architecture studies.

elcargol.com   4/1/2023

elcuadernodigital.com   10/09/2021   El Cuaderno. Cuaderno digital de cultura.

electronicbookreview.com   18/11/2020   Electronic Book Review (ebr) is a peer-reviewed journal of critical writing produced and published by the emergent digital literary network.

electronicintifada.net   2/4/2023   The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.

elfunambul.wordpress.com   4/23/2022   El Funàmbul. Revista de Cultura.

elies.rediris.es   19/02/2021   ELiES (Estudios de Lingüística Española). A partir de 2014, los nuevos volúmenes de Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs) se encuentran en la nueva página web de EliEs.

e-logos.vse.cz   20/12/2020   E-Logos journal is peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Department of Philosophy, Prague University of Economics and Business, founded in 1994 by doc. K. Pstružina.

elpais.com/cultura   12/8/2022   Cultura en EL PAÍS. Las últimas noticias sobre cultura con EL PAÍS. Literatura y libros, cine, música, teatro, danza, arte, arquitectura, además de Tentaciones y los blogs de cultura.

endeavors.unc.edu   3/4/2023   Endeavors is the online magazine of research and creative activity at UNC-Chapel Hill. Endeavors (ISSN 1933-4338) is published by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

entreacte.cat   1/14/2024   Entreacte: Revista d’arts escèniques i audiovisuals. Entrevistes i reportatges als millors professionals del teatre, el cinema i les sèries.

e-revistas.uc3m.es/index.php/HISPNOV   16/01/2021   Hispania Nova (segunda época), primera revista de Historia Contemporánea on line en castellano, publica artículos de investigación originales y revisión de libros de diversa temática sobre los siglos XIX y XX.

escudodigital.com   20/08/2021   Escudo Digital. Diario online de Seguridad y Tecnología. Información actualizada sobre Seguridad y Tecnología: ciberseguridad, Defensa e Interior, empresas, tendencias, 5G, IT, IoE y compliance, entre otras.

esprit.presse.fr   1/14/2024   Revue Esprit. Depuis 1932, Esprit décrypte l’évolution des idées, de la politique, de la société et de la culture, en France et dans le monde.

ethic.es   08/01/2021   Ethic es la revista de referencia sobre ética y desarrollo sostenible para España y Latinoamérica. Somos un proyecto que nace desde y para la ciudadanía con el objetivo de encontrar soluciones reales frente a los desafíos sociales y medioambientales a los que nos enfrentamos.

ethnobiology.org/publications/journal-of-ethnobiology/current-issue   6/7/2023   The Journal of Ethnobiology invites manuscripts based on original research in any area of ethnobiology, the interdisciplinary study of past and present relationships between humans and their biological worlds.

ethnobiomed.biomedcentral.com   12/10/2020

ethnobotanyjournal.org/index.php/era   6/7/2023   Ethnobotany Research and Applications is an electronic, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary and multi-lingual journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of current research in any areas related to Ethnobiology.

farremi.com   21/06/2021   FA-RE-MI. En 1954, y viendo la necesidad de una revista que se hiciera eco de los artistas, tanto paraguayos como extranjeros, que difundían la música paraguaya en el mundo, fundamos con unos amigos (Silvano W. Ramírez, Angel León Garcete Saldívar, Félix Sosa) FA-RE-MI.

fcw.com/Home.aspx   26/10/2021   The Business of Federal Technology. FCW provides federal technology executives with the information, ideas, and strategies necessary to successfully navigate the complex world of federal business.

fee.org/the-freeman   16/01/2021   The Freeman magazine was the flagship publication of the Foundation for Economic Education and one of the oldest, most respected journals of liberty in America.

fgbueno.es/edi/bas.htm   1/14/2024   El Basilisco, revista de materialismo filosófico. Revista de filosofía fundada en 1978 por Gustavo Bueno.

filmireland.net   10/18/2023   Film Ireland Magazine. Operating since 1987, Film Ireland is an independent outlet dedicated to celebrating Irish film and is your go-to destination for all things related to the thriving world of cinema and film on the island of Ireland.

flashbak.com   29/09/2021   Flashbak. Everything Old Is New Again.

flashpointmag.com   29/09/2021   FlashPoint: A Multidisciplinary Journal in the Arts and Politics.

flyer.co.uk   12/19/2023   FLYER is the leading digital media outlet for General Aviation. Here on this website, not only can you read the brand new content we’re producing, working with a select band of contributors as well as staff articles, but there’s lots of older material here.

folia.paru.cas.cz   1/14/2024   Folia Parasitologica. International journal that covers all branches of parasitology, including morphology, taxonomy, molecular biology, host-parasite relationships, parasite evolution, biochemistry, physiology and immunology.

foreignpolicy.com   11/23/2023   Foreign Policy. The global magazine of news and ideas. We showcase the smartest ideas and analysis on global affairs by experts, journalists, and practitioners of international relations.

forsvaretsforum.no   15/01/2022   Forsvarets forum er et redaksjonelt uavhengig fagmedium utgitt av Forsvarets fellestjenester på oppdrag fra forsvarssjefen.

fortnightlyreview.co.uk   20/12/2020   The Fortnightly Review, one of the most influential English-language periodicals of the 19th century, was the invention of Anthony Trollope, who, with the support of Frederic Chapman, James Cotter Morison, Danby Seymour, Alfred Austin, and others, decided to launch a magazine designed to free the “higher journalists” of the time from “the views of an Editor or Political party.”

forward.com   1/14/2024   News That Matters to American Jews. The Forward. Founded in 1897 as a Yiddish-language daily, the Forward soon became a national paper, the most widely read Jewish newspaper anywhere.

fottea.czechphycology.cz   1/14/2024   Fottea. A Journal of the Czech Phycological Society. Fottea publishes research on all aspects of algae (including cyanobacteria) from all over the world with preference for taxonomy and ecology.

france-amerique.com   1/14/2024   France-Amérique. A French Magazine in the United States. Bridging the gap between France and the U.S.A., France-Amérique is the only French press publication available across the United States.

futurefire.net   20/12/2020   Futurefire Publishing (FFN) is a small, independent publisher of short speculative fiction stories, poetry and art, in anthologies, collections, magazines, and potentially other formats.

gatopardo.com   1/14/2024   Gatopardo. Nos caracterizamos por publicar perfiles de personajes clave, crónicas y reportajes sobre temas de interés público, social y cultural que afectan la vida cotidiana de la región.

gothamist.com   6/15/2023   Gothamist: New York City Local News, Food, Arts & Events. Gothamist is a website about New York City news, arts, events and food, brought to you by New York Public Radio.

granta.com   5/6/2023   Granta Magazine. Granta is a literary magazine founded in 1889. Read the best new fiction, poetry, photography, and essays by famous authors, Nobel winners and new voices.

grantland.com   26/06/2021   Sports and Pop Culture from our rotating cast of writers.

grist.org   24/12/2020   Grist. Working toward a planet that doesn’t burn, a future that doesn’t suck. Founded in 1999, Grist is a beacon in the smog — an independent, irreverent news outlet and network of innovators working toward a planet that doesn’t burn and a future that doesn’t suck. Climate, sustainability, and social justice are the most important stories on the ... well, on the planet right now.

grupointramuros.com/revista   23/08/2020   Revista Intramuros. Fundada por Beltrán Gambier y María Sheila Cremaschi en 1994, la revista Intramuros se dedica a los géneros de la biografía, la autobiografía y las memorias.

gsejournal.biomedcentral.com   1/14/2024   Genetics Selection Evolution is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal dedicated to original research on all aspects of genetics and selection in farm animal species and in other species that provide novel and/or relevant insights into the genetics of farm animals.

harpers.org   1/14/2024   Harper’s Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic Harper’s Index.

heavyfeatherreview.org   4/4/2022   Heavy Feather Review. Established in April 2011, Heavy Feather Review publishes fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, comics, and more.

hereditasjournal.biomedcentral.com   3/27/2023   Hereditas. For almost a century, Hereditas has published original cutting-edge research and reviews. Los temas de interés incluyen genética humana y médica, genética animal y vegetal, genética microbiana, agricultura y bioinformática.

hir.harvard.edu   12/2/2023   The Harvard International Review is a quarterly magazine offering insight on international affairs from the perspectives of scholars, leaders, and policymakers.

hispanianova.rediris.es   16/01/2021 Hispania Nova. Primera revista de Historia Contemporánea on line en castellano. Fundada por Ángel Martínez de Velasco y Julio Aróstegui.

hrcak.srce.hr/entomologia-croatica   6/7/2023   Časopis Entomologia Croatica znanstveno je glasilo Hrvatskog entomološkog društva (HED) s međunarodnom recenzijom, u kojem se objavljuju originalni znanstveni radovi iz entomologije iznimno se objavljuju i radovi o predstavnicima drugih kopnenih beskralješnjaka.

hyperallergic.com   27/12/2020   Hyperallergic is a leading voice in contemporary perspectives on art, culture, and more. The online publication was founded by the husband-and-husband team, Veken Gueyikian and Hrag Vartanian, in 2009 as a forum for playful, serious, and radical perspectives on art in society.

hyperrhiz.io   21/09/2020   Hyperrhiz, originally developed as a sister publication of Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, is an open access journal produced twice-yearly. We also collaborate with Punctum Books on a monograph series, Hyperrhiz Electric.

ijponline.biomedcentral.com   23/08/2020   Italian Journal of Pediatrics is an open access peer-reviewed journal that includes all aspects of pediatric medicine. Italian Journal of Pediatrics is the official journal of the Italian Society for Pediatrics and commenced in 1975 as Rivista Italiana di Pediatria.

ijpp.gau.ac.ir   20/12/2020   International Journal of Plant Production (IJPP), a peer reviewed research journal, is published by Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (GUASNR) in yearly volumes of four issues. Special issues devoted to single topics are also published.

immunology.sciencemag.org   23/08/2020   Science Immunology. The broad influence of the immune system on diverse aspects of health and disease is beginning to be appreciated, and innovative immunological interventions are proving successful in the clinic.

infoling.org/elies   19/02/2021   Estudios de Lingüística del Español es una revista de acceso abierto, especializada en temas relacionados con la lingüística hispánica.

intarch.ac.uk   20/12/2020   Internet Archaeology. The digital journal for archaeology. Peer reviewed research. Independent. Non-profit. Global.

internationaltimes.it   19/02/2021   IT. International Times.

ioppublishing.org   11/10/2023   IOP Publishing. Expanding the world of physics IOP Publishing is a society-owned scientific publisher, providing impact, recognition and value for the scientific community.

iopscience.iop.org   23/08/2020   IOPscience is an online service for journal content published by IOP Publishing. IOPscience embraces innovative technologies to make it easier for researchers to access scientific, technical and medical content.

iopscience.iop.org/journal/0004-637X   23/08/2020   The Astrophysical Journal is devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics.

iopscience.iop.org/journal/0036-021X   23/08/2020  Russian Chemical Reviews is the Russian Academy of Science’s leading journal founded in 1932. It publishes the highest quality and international impact reviews from across the chemical sciences.

iopscience.iop.org/journal/1063-7869   23/08/2020   Physics-Uspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences) is a translation of the authoritative Russian-language review journal in physics, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, first published in 1918.

iowareview.org   8/23/2022   The Iowa Review. The Iowa Review's mission is to provide an expertly curated, carefully edited, and beautifully designed print and online space for the voices of writers of every kind of diversity to move and enlighten us.

issues.org   07/11/2023   Issues in Science and Technology is a quarterly journal published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and Arizona State University. The journal is a forum for discussion of public policy related to science and technology.

ivc.lib.rochester.edu   23/08/2020   InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture (IVC) is a student run interdisciplinary journal published online twice a year in an open access format.