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jacket2.org   10/5/2023   Jacket2 offers commentary on modern and contemporary poetry and poetics. We publish articles, reviews, interviews, discussions and collaborative responses, archival documents, podcasts, and descriptions of poetry symposia and projects.

januarymagazine.com   04/01/2021   January Magazine book reviews & author interviews, entertainment and opinion. January Magazine has been publishing continuously since 1997.

jewishjournal.com   4/8/2023   Jewish Journal. Your source for news and commentary on Jewish people, places, and things.

jhna.org   1/22/2024   Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art (JHNA). Dedicated to the study of Netherlandish, German, and Franco-Flemish art and architecture (c.1350-1750), the journal publishes issues of peer-reviewed articles every winter and summer.

jios.foi.hr/index.php/jios   01/01/2024   Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences. Journal publishes original scientific papers from the field of information and organizational sciences, as well as relevant contributions from related scientific disciplines.

jn.nutrition.org   1/22/2024   The Journal of Nutrition is an official monthly publication of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and focuses on the review of manuscripts that address human, animal, population, cellular, and molecular nutrition.

jornal.usp.br   13/12/2020   Jornal da USP. Universidade de São Paulo.

journal.fi/entomolfennica   28/11/2020   Entomologica Fennica has been terminated and volume 30, 2019 is the last in this journal. As of 1 January 2020, papers falling within the scope of Entomologica Fennica (i.e., on all aspects of insects and other terrestrial arthropods from the Palaearctic region) should be submitted to Annales Zoologici Fennici.

journal.oraltradition.org   09/08/2021   Oral Tradition Journal at Harvard University. An open-access journal devoted to the study of the world’s oral traditions, past and present.

journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk   30/06/2020   Science Museum Group Journal. The Science Museum Group Journal presents the global research community with peer-reviewed papers relevant to the wide-ranging work of the Science Museum Group. The Journal freely shares the research of five national UK museums and warmly invites contributions that resonate with their collections and practice.

journals.aps.org   17/11/2021   Physical Review Journals. Published by the American Physical Society.

journals.bmj.com   03/01/2021   BMJ Journals. Discover the latest clinical knowledge and opinion. BMJ Journals is a collection of more than 70 medical and allied science titles. They are published by BMJ, the global healthcare knowledge provider and pioneer in the development of open access.

journals.co.za   1/22/2024   Sabinet African Journals encompasses the breadth and depth of African research content by offering the most comprehensive, searchable collection of full-text African electronic journals available on one platform.

journals.openedition.org/aaa   01/01/2024   Afrique : Archéologie & Arts. Elle rend compte de la diversité des cultures anciennes du continent en s’appuyant sur des disciplines connexes, privilégiant, pour l’étude des productions artistiques, les méthodes de l’histoire de l’art.

journals.openedition.org/asterion   02/05/2021   Astérion est une revue exclusivement électronique, soutenue par l’École normale supérieure de Lyon. Elle est l’expression des activités du CERPHI (Centre d’Études en rhétorique, philosophie et histoire des idées, de l’Humanisme aux Lumières) et du laboratoire Triangle / Action, discours, pensée politique et économique (CNRS, UMR 5206).

journals.openedition.org/cybergeo   12/8/2022   Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography. La géographie nous ouvre au monde, à sa diversité sensible et intelligible, à ses lignes de force et de fractures, à ses évolutions plus ou moins prévisibles.

journals.openedition.org/ejts   20/12/2020   European Journal of Turkish Studies. EJTS is a peer-reviewed, indexed, open access international journal that aims to be a valuable research instrument for scholars in the humanities and social sciences working in Turkish Studies.

journals.openedition.org/ema   20/12/2020   Égypte / Monde Arabe est la revue en sciences sociales du CEDEJ depuis 1990. Elle s’adresse aux étudiants et chercheurs ainsi qu’au grand public qui veulent comprendre les tensions et les mutations qui animent le Moyen-Orient contemporain et l’Égypte.

journals.openedition.org/emam   1/22/2024   Les Cahiers d’EMAM. Revue à caractère interdisciplinaire autour de questions urbaines et des processus de constructions/reconfigurations territoriales dans leurs dimensions sociales, économiques et politiques.

journals.openedition.org/lhomme   01/01/2024   L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie. D’audience internationale, la revue publie des travaux originaux de chercheurs français et étrangers.

journals.openedition.org/rh19   06/10/2020   La Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle — anciennement 1848. Révolutions et mutations au XIXe siècle — est l'organe de la Société d'histoire de la révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle.

journals.physiology.org   03/01/2021   American Physiological Society Journal. The American Physiological Society publishes journals and books in many disciplines within physiology.

journals.publishing.umich.edu   1/16/2024   Michigan Publishing.

journals.publishing.umich.edu/phimp   11/10/2023   Philosophers' Imprint is a refereed series of original papers founded by Stephen Darwall and J. David Velleman.

journals.sagepub.com   01/01/2024   Sage Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research. Subscription and open access journals from Sage, the world’s leading independent academic publisher.

journals.sagepub.com/home/asj   01/01/2024   Acta Sociologica welcomes high-quality theoretical and empirical papers in all areas of sociology, in the form of full-length original articles, as well as book reviews and comments to previously published articles.

journals.sagepub.com/home/ijr   20/12/2020   The International Journal of Robotics Research. A leading peer-reviewed journal in its field for more than two decades, The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) was the first scholarly publication on robotics research.

journals.sagepub.com/home/tps   18/11/2021   Transcultural Psychiatry is a fully peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on cultural psychiatry and mental health.

kenyonreview.org   1/19/2024   The Kenyon Review. The International Journal of Literature, Culture, and the Arts. The Kenyon Review was the vision of poet Roberta Teale Swartz and her husband, Gordon Keith Chalmers, who became the thirteenth president of Kenyon College in 1937.

knowablemagazine.org   05/09/2021   Knowable Magazine explores the real-world significance of scholarly work through a journalistic lens. A digital magazine from Annual Reviews.

krisis.eu   1/22/2024   Krisis. Journal for Contemporary Philosophy. Krisis is a platform for original articles, essays and book reviews with regards to social, cultural and political thought.

kritika.sk   1/19/2024   Kritika & Kontext. Since 1989 the release of numerous scholarly books in Slovakia and the Czech Republic has made available a number of well-known names and titles that were restricted during Communism.

krytyka.com   1/19/2024   Krytyka. Міжнародний Огляд Книжок Та Ідей. Створюючи часопис, редактори Критики брали за взірець, з одного боку, New York Review of Books і Times Literary Supplement, а з другого – часопис Kultura, що його видавав у паризькій еміґрації Єжи Ґедройць.

kulturaliberalna.pl   1/19/2024   Kultura Liberalna to silny, wrażliwy, demokratyczny głos w sferze publicznej. Wierzymy w rządy prawa, demokratyczny pluralizm, szacunek i godność dla każdej osoby.

laborrufa.com   3/6/2023   Pirineu. La Borrufa. Revista gratuïta de les comarques del Pirineu de Lleida. Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà i Val d'Aran.

lareplica.es   24/06/2020   La Réplica. Periodismo incómodo. Analizamos la actualidad sociopolítica desde un prisma crítico, comprometido, plural y honesto. Crónica, opinión, crítica y sociedad.

larepubliquedeslivres.com   24/06/2020   La République des livres, de Pierre Assouline.

lareviewofbooks.org   30/10/2021   Los Angeles Review of Books. Ten Years of Cultural Vitality.

lasoga.org   08/11/2020   La Soga. Revista Cultural. La Soga es una revista digital guiada por el libre albedrío cultural.

lataskainfo.wordpress.com   12/15/2023   Revista Digital de Cine, Politíca, Filosofía, Educación. La Taska ya no es un proyecto personal, es un magnifico proyecto común de muchas personas con multitud de ideas especiales y únicas en su ámbito.

lazocultural.com   6/15/2023   Lazo Cultural. Michigan's most read Spanish language newspaper. Reach the Hispanic community in Michigan and Ohio with Lazo Cultural's effective advertising solutions.

lebanesestudies.ojs.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/mashriq/index   20/12/2020   Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal devoted to disseminating original research on migration from, to, and within the Middle East and North Africa.

le-cercle-psy.scienceshumaines.com   31/08/2020   Magazine psychologie Le Cercle Psy, le magazine de toutes les psychologies. Ressources documentaires dans tous les domaines et les champs de la psychologie, psychiatrie et psychanalyse.

lecturafilia.com   22/06/2020   Lecturafilia. “Leer es vivir dos veces”. Detrás de este mundo que es Lecturafilia, se encuentra Tensi Gesteira, graduada en periodismo, pero ante todo una “loca” de la literatura, de esos libros que hacen la existencia un poco menos insufrible, un poco más llevadera.

letrasenlinea.uahurtado.cl   1/15/2024   Letras en Línea es una revista electrónica de extensión perteneciente al Departamento de Literatura de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

letraslibres.com   1/15/2024   Letras Libres. Revista impresa y digital editada en México y España, dedicada a la literatura, la cultura y la libre discusión de las ideas.

link.springer.com   03/01/2021   Springer. Providing researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.

literariedad.co   22/06/2020   Literariedad es una revista electrónica e impresa fundada en Pereira, Colombia, en mayo de 2013 por el poeta y ensayista colombiano Albeiro Montoya Guiral.

literratura.org   19/07/2020   Лиterraтура. Электронный литературный журнал. Избранная современная литература в текстах, лицах и событиях.

lowerclassmag.com   25/06/2020

lpca.socsci.uva.nl   1/22/2024   Language and Popular Culture in Africa. The main aim of LPCA is to document and further the study of expressions of popular language and culture in Africa.

magazine.columbia.edu   21/09/2021   Columbia Magazine. The latest research, discoveries, alumni news, and more from Columbia University. Connecting the universe of Columbia alumni and friends.

magazine.plazm.com   07/08/2021   Magazine PLAZM. Founded in 1991 by Portland artists, Plazm magazine publishes challenging & innovative art, design, cultural, and literary works.

magazine.utoronto.ca   8/26/2023   University of Toronto Magazine is published twice a year by U of T Communications to celebrate the university’s research and teaching excellence and to shine a light on the rich and diverse communities of our three campuses – St. George, Mississauga and Scarborough.

magazineart.org   1/22/2024   MagazineArt. Vintage magazine cover and advertising art from the golden age of American illustration. The great illustrators of the period 1850-1950 had a tremendous influence on us and the rest of the world.

magazine-photo.rmngp.fr   1/22/2024   Le Magazine de l'Agence Photo de la Rmn-GP. Suivez l’actualité des collections des musées et des métiers de l’image a l’Agence photographique de la Réunion des musées nationaux-Grand Palais.

magculture.com   1/22/2024   magCulture. We love magazines. magCulture is an online resource, a magazine shop, events producer and editorial consultancy.

malarrassa.cat   07/11/2020   Malarrassa. El periòdic independent i de distribució gratuïta de Terrassa. Aquest és un projecte que neix de l’Associació Cultural Malarrassa.

manzanomountainreview.com   16/01/2022   Manzano Mountain Review is an online literary journal based in central New Mexico. Our first issue was published in November 2017. We published two issues per year until 2019.

mappemonde.mgm.fr   28/11/2020   Mappemonde. Revue trimestrielle sur l'image géographique et les formes du territoire. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux images géographiques sous toutes leurs formes: cartes, croquis et cartogrammes, modèles, images traitées, représentations 3D, animées, dynamiques, SIG, etc.

mappingignorance.org   25/12/2020   Mapping Ignorance. Cutting edge scientific research. Our goal is very simple: to spread both the latest developments in science and technology and a scientific worldview facilitating the access to it.

masqueandspectaclejournal.wordpress.com   16/01/2022   Masque & Spectacle. An arts & literary journal. We publish all forms of creative writing, including hybrid works, drama, literary journalism, and essays, as well as visual art, photography, video, sound art, and reviews.

maudlinhouse.net   20/01/2022   Maudlin House is a bridge between new form fiction and experimental lit that takes on mainstream pop culture through the lens of 21st-century indie art.

menafn.com   10/10/2020   MENAFN. The Middle East North Africa Financial Network, Inc. (MENAFN) is the leading provider of online and wireless financial content and financial technology platforms to leading institutions and consumers around the Arab world.

micklestreet.rutgers.edu   7/9/2022   Mickle Street Review. An electronic journal of Walt Whitman Studies. Rutgers University-Camden. MSR fue una creación del presidente de la Walt Whitman Association en 1978, Frank McQuilkin.

millenniumfilmjournal.com   12/14/2023   Millennium Film Journal. As the longest-running publication devoted to artists’ moving image, its unique focus has garnered a committed global following including art, film and visual culture enthusiasts.

minimalismmag.com   08/08/2021   B&W Minimalism Magazine. A professional gateway to discover the magnificent black and white minimalist photography.

mises.org/library/austrian   15/10/2020   The Austrian is unapologetically radical and politically incorrect. Each issue features provocative articles by cutting-edge libertarian and Austrian thinkers, conversational interviews with leading business people and intellectual entrepreneurs, reviews by David Gordon, and cultural commentary by guest writers.

mises.org/library/journal-libertarian-studies   30/01/2021   The Journal of Libertarian Studies was founded by Murray N. Rothbard in 1977 and is the premiere venue for the advancement of libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism, the individualist society, and non-interventionism as the first principle of political theory and practice.

mises.org/library/quarterly-journal-austrian-economics   15/10/2020   The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (QJAE) is a refereed journal that promotes the development and extension of Austrian economics and the analysis of contemporary issues in the mainstream of economics from an Austrian perspective..

misionverdad.com   09/08/2021   Misión Verdad. Grupo de investigación y análisis. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

monovisions.com   08/08/2021   Monovisions. Black & White Photography Magazine. Your Everyday Source of B&W Inspirations.

monthlyreview.org   8/4/2023   Monthly Review began publication in New York City in May 1949. From the beginning, Monthly Review spoke for a critical but spirited socialism, independent of any political organization.

mosaicmagazine.org   1/22/2024   Mosaic Literary Magazine. Literary Arts of the African Diaspora. Mosaic is a literary print and virtual magazine that showcases the work of writers of African and Latinx descent.

motifri.com   6/2/2023   Motif Magazine is dedicated to the arts and entertainment in RI and surrounding areas, and to bringing readers alternative local news about subjects of all kinds.

mtlreviewofbooks.ca   19/07/2020   The Montreal Review of Books is a free, nationally distributed journal of reviews, features, and essays on English-language books by Quebec writers and publishers.

mundoobrero.es   12/14/2023   Mundo Obrero. Publicación del Partido Comunista de España.

muzealnictwo.com   30/06/2020

muzikalia.com   25/11/2020   Muzikalia. Tu revista de música. Muzikalia inició su andadura en el año 2000, siendo una de las revistas musicales online pioneras en nuestro país.

nailos.org   1/22/2024   Nailos. Estudios Interdisciplinares de Arqueología es una publicación científica sobre Arqueología y las disciplinas afines con una periodicidad anual.

nationalaffairs.com   1/22/2024   National Affairs. A quarterly journal of essays about domestic policy, political economy, society, culture, and political thought.

nebraskapressjournals.unl.edu   1/19/2024   Journals. Nebraska Journals. The University of Nebraska Press is the publishing home for some of the most important scholarly journals in the fields of Native American studies, women’s studies, literature, and regional studies.

negratinta.com   25/12/2020   Negratinta - Periodismo & Narrativa.

negraymortal.com   15/05/2021   Negra y Mortal.

newcriterion.com   9/7/2023   The New Criterion. A monthly review of the arts & intellectual life. The New Criterion, edited by Roger Kimball, was founded in 1982 by the art critic Hilton Kramer and the pianist and music critic Samuel Lipman.

newengland.com   7/8/2022   New England’s Magazine. New England Today features the best in New England travel, food, living, fall foliage, and events, plus Yankee Magazine, New England’s favorite magazine.

newint.org   1/22/2024   New Internationalist. Award-winning independent journalism since 1973. Bringing you the stories and voices that the mainstream ignores, and analysis of urgent global issues.

neworleanscitybusiness.com   4/25/2023   New Orleans City Business. Our weekly CityBusiness is the voice of the New Orleans business community. Our special projects and industry reports highlight specific events and industries with in-depth coverage.

novaeconomia.face.ufmg.br   06/10/2020   A Nova Economia é a revista acadêmica do Departamento de Ciências Econômicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Criada em 1990, a revista publica artigos de natureza teórica ou aplicada em economia e áreas afins.

nowtoronto.com   13/12/2020   Everything Toronto. NOW Magazine. Toronto's best source for alternative news, entertainment, events, and food.

npj.uwpress.org   29/01/2022   Native Plants Journal is a forum for dispersing practical information about planting and growing North American native plants for conservation, restoration, reforestation, landscaping, highway corridors, and related uses.

nrfh.colmex.mx   1/22/2024   Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica publica artículos y notas sobre literatura española e hispanoamericana, lingüística hispánica y teoría y metodología literaria y lingüística, así como reseñas de libros y artículos y una bibliografía especializada clasificada por materias.

nymag.com   28/11/2021   New York Magazine energizes people around shared interests, igniting important conversations on the news, politics, style, and culture that drive the world forward.

nymag.com/intelligencer   28/11/2021   Intelligencer. Daily News, Politics, Business, and Tech.